You can create an analogous color scheme by choosing a dominant color and using the ones next to it as accents. Color Combinations Analogous colorĪnalogous colors are usually in groups of three and can be found next to each other on the color wheel. When it comes to creating a color palette, different rules of color harmonies come into play, so read on to understand them better and get your most suitable color palette. Make Color Combinations with Color Harmony You are free to come up with random color palettes you want, but using a color wheel can ease your pain by getting inspired on what color schemes and hues to get started.
It uses a color wheel to visualize the relationship between colors and simplifies the process of creating a harmonious or contrasting color effect for your designs. It is a set of suggested guidelines and rules for creating color combinations or visual effects of specific color schemes. While that sentiment holds some truth, color theory is both the practical science and creative art of using color. Should not art be based on creativity and not theories? You might hear it tossed around and wonder what it means when you are talking to artists and designers.